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Elizabeth Naylor on The Business Spotlight Hosted by Patrick Dougher – YouTube.
Patrick: Welcome to the Business Spotlight. I’m your host, Patrick Dougher. My guest today, you’re going to like her because she is someone that has a real flair for teaching and serving her audience with the aspects of health and nutrition that takes on the whole person. Elizabeth Naylor with www.EbenezerWellness.com has a real system and, in my opinion, as educated as she is, she has so much information for you today. You’re going to love her. Thanks so much, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Thank you.
Patrick: I would like to start with your story. I know the “why” of what you do is huge. What’s your story? Why do you do what you do?
Elizabeth: Well, Patrick, when I was in my early 30s, I had three small children and found myself really exhausted, which is not uncommon for a young mom, but exhausted, suffering from migraines, weight gain that actually happened after my pregnancy – so it wasn’t like that was because of the pregnancies – and just really a foggy head, inability to focus on anything, and it really wasn’t who I had always been.
I looked for answers with my team of medical doctors. I was always surrounded by a great team of doctors and really got the same answers over and over again, which typically involved antidepressants or just excuses of, “Well, you’re just getting older.” I think I was 32 when I thought this is really going to be bad if this is what the rest of my life is going to look like.
I was not always a person who believed in nutrition and that it even mattered. I like to tell people I’m a convert to natural health because I didn’t always have that philosophy. As I started to explore if could that possibly have an impact on my health, I realized that, wow, I was suffering from some things called adrenal fatigue and toxicity and some other problems that as I got into it and began to resolve those with my diet and my lifestyle, things started to turn around for me.
Patrick: It looks like you went really deep into it. Not only do you have a chemistry degree, your bachelor’s; the next thing you have is your Masters in Business Administration and then you went on to get more education and more education. You’re almost completed with your doctorate program in nutrition.
Elizabeth: In holistic nutrition.
Patrick: You really dove into this area. When you think about where you’re at now, how did it form into a coaching program and a mentoring program like you’ve got and a speaking program that you do?
Elizabeth: All of the things with me personally started to happen around 2004. Within about 18 months, I decided to go for a certification and applied clinical nutrition through a local chiropractic college here. That really gave me a tremendous amount of practical experience with whole food nutrition. As you say, very shortly after that I started the doctoral program. I have been through a season with raising three children, so it’s been a slow doctoral program but I’m getting to the end of that with my coursework.
Around 2009 I realized the thing that was really missing from my practice was an interaction with supporting my clients and finding their best thinking. What we like to say in our coaching class is that a strategy is great as long as people will do it.
Patrick: Implementation is everything – doers not hearers.
Elizabeth: That’s right. What I find in the world of nutrition, and really the world of medicine in general, is that we’re told quite often if you’ll just do these ten things you’ll get better, or iif you’ll just follow this exercise program or this diet program or take this pill.” What really people need is really to understand how to find their own best thinking, not just when they’re working with a coach but moment by moment in their everyday lives.
Patrick: Awesome. Once you begin to work on their thinking, what are some of the next steps that people need to focus on?
Elizabeth: What I do is really weave in education around natural health and nutrition. I weave that in with this idea of finding your best thinking in this coaching program, because what I find is people need both.
As a society, we’ve really lost the ability to even think clearly. We don’t really see ourselves as thinking people. We’re very reflexive, and we view quick decisions as the best decisions. So there’s the thinking, but then there’s also the nutrition. The truth is, we’ve lost a great deal of traditional food education because we no longer pay attention to that. We’re two or three generations away from it, really.
Patrick: I know that there had been some real losses in even the nutrition that we try to ea. We don’t have the right foundation anymore like we used to.
Elizabeth: Yes.
Patrick: Wow. As we’re coming up to this next segment, we’re going to look into the processes that Elizabeth teaches. Because I know that with proper information, you can create proper implementation of what you really want to create, so you can create what you want in your life. I know as we move to this next segment, you’ll want to be here for that. This is Pat Dougher, Business Spotlight. We’ll be right back.
Patrick: Welcome to the Business Spotlight. This is Patrick Dougher. My guest today is Elizabeth Naylor. Elizabeth is a health and nutrition expert with alphabet soup after her name. She has so much education that literally, in my opinion, gives so much value to all of her clients. We talked about how you become a master in this area, in my opinion. You now are serving so many people. What are you doing to create the success you’re having?
Elizabeth: When I first started, Patrick, in 2006, I started with a philosophy and an understanding that really almost all disease stands from toxicity, malnutrition, and stress. The three of those things really incorporate all that needs to be done when we think about healthcare. When we think about authentic healthcare where we’re working for people to stay healthy to be healthy and not necessarily considering curing disease, thinking about avoiding disease, then we’re talking about toxicity, malnutrition, and stress.
I’ll give you a few examples. Just recently actually, I had a client and she brought me her blood work. She was having a multitude of problems but she brought me her blood work because was diagnosed with hypothyroid. We took a look at it and this is an example about malnutrition you think. In the United States, we are quite overfed. We have more calories and more caloric intake as a population – almost one and a half times of what we need. But we are very much undernourished.
I looked at her blood work and I said, “Really your problem is that you’re not converting this hormone and it requires selenium. It just means you’re not getting that in your diet.” We talked about Brazil nuts. Did you know that if you eat one Brazil nut a day, it’s like a selenium supplement? And in a lot of cases, it just completely fixed people’s thyroid problems.
There are other places you can get it if you don’t in food, if you don’t particularly like Brazil nuts, but really that’s a Vitamin E, garlic nutrient that’s found in those foods. You can also take whole food supplements. Taking selenium by itself is not my favorite choice. I really prefer to work with food.
Patrick: I’ve heard that selenium is also good for things like memory and some of the other things that have to do with your brain. But I didn’t know that about thyroid. Since I take some thyroid stuff that’s probably good enough.
Elizabeth: Yeah, it’s great. It’s just an example of how when we’re missing minerals. Minerals are activators of hormones in our body.
Patrick: I didn’t know that.
Elizabeth: In fact, some scientists feel like they’re so close to hormones, it’s hard to tell the difference. But they are activators of hormones in our body. The hormones that we have don’t work correctly if we’re malnourished.
Patrick: Very good.
Elizabeth: Another client just two weeks ago came in with terrible arthritic symptoms and we were talking. She’s a young woman. She had been to several specialists and did not really want to take those medications. Some of them she tried and they hadn’t helped. But it was really a lifestyle issue of she’s young, she wants to have children, and they’re not really safe to take.
So we talked through several things and decided a great place to start is the 21-Day Purification Program. She started that program. She called me on day five and said, “I woke up this morning with no pain in my hands.”
I don’t always get those kinds of results, but I was just thrilled to hear that and I said, “That’s fabulous. Let’s see how you do.” Day 21, still no pain.
In her case, a lot of it could be toxicity, things we don’t even necessarily know. But when you feed your body the right things for your liver to function better, all of a sudden you take care of a lot of problems.
Patrick: Well, I’ve heard that so much of health can be taken back to things that have to do with clean blood, oxygen-rich system. I’ve heard the statement that sickness thrives in an oxygen-poor environment. So, raise your oxygen and you’ll actually raise a level of your health. Is that fairly accurate?
Elizabeth: It’s certainly accurate that if you’re anemic, you’ll have a very difficult time being healthy – or even borderline anemic. A lot of people do suffer with that.
Patrick: That’s awesome. When you begin the process with people, is there a starting point for people that you would recommend?
Elizabeth: A starting point for most people is just to have a conversation with me. A call of 10-15 minutes conversation about where are you, what are you, what are your issues. And then from that point usually we can determine what program would be the best place for them to start.
For people who want to know more about me, go to my website, www.EbenezerWellness.com and sign up for the newsletter. That’s really the key to getting into understanding more about my practice, understanding more about what we’re doing and how we might be able to support your health goals.
Patrick: You’re a prolific writer. There are a lot of articles already out there on www.EbenezerWellness.com where they can just click on and begin to search for information that might help them in the beginning. Would you agree?
Elizabeth: Yes.
Patrick: I recommend that you guys do that. Get with www.EbenezerWellness.com, check out the newsletter and sign up for it. It’s free, so just do it. The fact is that we’re in a time period where health and nutrition are rare commodities and Elizabeth has some real solutions for you. Go to www.EbenezerWellness.com and sign up.
Stick around because we’ve got more to come with helping you get healthier with Ebenezer Wellness on the Business Spotlight. We’ll be right back.
Welcome back to the Business Spotlight. Patrick Dougher here. My guest today, Elizabeth Naylor of www.EbenezerWellness.com.
Elizabeth, I want to get into who you’re trying to reach. Who are you trying to reach?
Elizabeth: My ideal client is someone who is really interested in thinking about their health differently. They’re very interested in feeling empowered and confident about their health and moving really from a place of fear to a place of empowerment. People who want to live their lives fully, not really looking for the next disease diagnosis, but really looking for health and not even for that to even be an issue in their lives.
The bulk of my clients are between 35 and 55 when they start with me, although I work with people of all ages who are ready to have a change in their life.
Patrick: They’re ready to implement.
Elizabeth: Right.
Patrick: How much does stress count or affect a person’s health?
Elizabeth: As I mentioned in our last segment, toxicity, malnutrition, and stress really are the drivers for disease. Studies have shown the hereditary functions really account for less than 5% of our disease state, but it’s really more about those environmental factors.
Stress is huge. I have a client who’s been with me really since the beginning and she deals with a significant autoimmune disease and it exasperates the problem for all of us, but particularly autoimmune disease. One of the things that’s a stressor on your body is being malnourished and toxic themselves. I use a tool called the Hair Mineral Analysis. We can see your adrenal strength, we can see your blood sugar balance, and we can see your thyroid function at a really high level – at a level long before they would become a disease state.
As I’ve worked with clients like her, I work with them and we support their adrenals, we support the areas where they’re weak. In her case she was dealing with a tremendous amount of stress. We support that with maybe some herbal supplements or certainly with diet changes. Then that really gives the client the room to then have some emotional space, really is what it is because it just takes the edge off the stress and gives them some emotional space to then focus on themselves a little bit.
That’s what I find with a lot of both men and women in their mid-30s and 40s. We have so many responsibilities that on the list of things that we have to take care of we’re not even on the list. We completely forget that we need to focus on ourselves a little bit and take care of ourselves.
When a person’s ready to do that then they’re really ready to make some changes. That’s really where the assessment tool for the coaching comes in. I help people understand the thinking behind their choices so that they begin to understand. I may reflexively reach for that cookie or that extra glass of wine or that stress response, those negative emotions. I may reflexively do that, but I don’t have to continue to do that the rest of my life.
Patrick: That’s really good. You do a fair amount of keynote speaking and addressing medical practices and things of that nature. You talk a lot about these different things, correct?
Elizabeth: Yes.
Patrick: Also I know you’ve got some different webinars that you do too and some training that you’re doing on an ongoing basis. Do you have any programs that are coming or even out there that you’re doing? I know you’re doing one webinar, but isn’t that to promote something greater than that?
Elizabeth: Yeah. We’re pretty regularly doing complimentary webinars to introduce people to the topic of avoiding the big four – disease prevention, holistic prevention for cancer, diabetes, heart disease and dementia/Alzheimer’s – which all have some underlying nutrition-stress drivers.
The overview is complimentary and it really highlights the fact that that’s an eight-week series that I’ve delivered in a corporate environment to groups, that I’ve delivered on webinars to people who signed up to be a part of those monthly coaching groups.
Patrick: That’s excellent because I know that that’s such a huge value. Eight weeks and they’re learning the real keys to avoid – you said the big four and they are again?
Elizabeth: I call them the big four: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia/Alzheimer’s.
Patrick: Wow! That kills in America millions. That’s like 90% of the reasons people die.
Elizabeth: Right, exactly. People don’t tend to die from diabetes, but it’s a lifestyle changer. It’s a huge lifestyle changer. Anyone who’s ever lived with a family member who has any of these diseases recognizes that it really diminishes your life.
Patrick: Yeah. I’ve heard that from a number of people that when that happens, when they’re diagnosed, it’s a life-altering experience. I know that some people have found ways that using health and nutrition can actually begin to maybe even curb some of that. Correct? Would you agree?
Elizabeth: Absolutely. You can do a tremendous amount with nutrition to control blood sugar and that is a big key to preventing a many of these diseases.
Patrick: That is awesome. Folks, I encourage you to get Elizabeth’s newsletter at www.EbenezerWellness.com. Sign up for it. It’s free. I’ve read through them and I was blown away at the volume of the information and the quality of the information that she has there. As we go into this next segment you’re going to learn even more about ways to connect with Elizabeth.
This is the Business Spotlight, I’m Pat Dougher. We’ll be right back.
Patrick: Welcome back to the Business Spotlight, I’m your host, Patrick Dougher. My guest today of www.EbenezerWellness.com is Elizabeth Naylor. Elizabeth, thanks so much again for being here.
Elizabeth: Thank you.
Patrick: I want to ask you about how people can connect with you. We talked about the newsletter, send them there. What are some other steps that they can take to connect?
Elizabeth: We have, as I was mentioning, complimentary webinars – hour-long webinars. We are doing in a variety of series and you’d find that on my website or through the newsletter.
Beyond that we’ve began monthly webinar groups that people can subscribe to and go even deeper. They’re going to highlight nutrition education, they’re going to highlight coaching and they’re going to highlight other practitioners who are involved in holistic health who are in an area not what I’m doing particularly with nutrition and coaching, but in other areas that might be supportive. We’re going to begin that soon.
We will also be conducting 90-day intensive webinars. So for people who are really ready to make a change and want to do some of this testing I’ve been talking about, they want to take the coaching assessment or look at their hair analysis or start to understand what their symptoms mean, the 90-day intensive is really the best way to get started.
Patrick: That’s really great. The one thing that I know about you is a lot of the information that you’ve had to spend years assembling they’re able to get it in what I call nine-pound pearls. You’re rolling these things out there as high value, high impact. Would you agree with that?
Elizabeth: Yes. I’ve spent a tremendous amount of time. One of the drivers for me when I first started was I literally spent three years going from quite a variety of doctors and specialists and alternative practitioners, really all over the place trying to find answers. I had this intuitive feeling that what was going on with me was not a pharmaceutical deficiency, that what was going on with me was something that would require me to make some changes in my life that was fixable, that it was something that I could start to manage my own stress. I could start to live my life differently.
One of the things that I’ve been doing from the very beginning is recognizing that people are not parts and they’re not things, and they’re not to be fixed. They really are to be supported. If we give people the right information and support their best thinking, I really believe that they’re capable of finding their own solutions. That’s the partnership that I work in with clients.
I think that that conversion – that attitude – is really what supports people in deciding what they want to do. In a group of 20 people, you may have 20 different solutions, but if it works for that person then that’s great.
Patrick: Once you’ve found somebody that is willing to implement – we’ve talked about that that’s crucial – if you’re not willing to change, in a sense, don’t sign up.
Elizabeth: Right.
Patrick: Information is great. Information without implementation is useless.
Elizabeth: I think we have an information overload, honestly. I have some clients who come to me and they visited every health website that’s out there. There’s a ton of information. A lot of it is conflicting and it becomes confusing to them.
It took me two or three years to decipher what made sense to me as well and really took me a couple of years to figure out I really believe in holistic nutrition and it’s the foundation that I’m going to build everything on, because if we eat real food, if we eat whole food, then we’re going to be healthier. Not everyone who’s not even a nutritionist starts there.
Patrick: I would imagine. Even the test that you go through when you’re talking about – you said there’s a hair.
Elizabeth: I do quite a few Hair Mineral Analyses which show your mineral content. Before, we were talking about selenium being important for your thyroid. Chromium is important for sugar handling. The calcium and magnesium balance is important for blood sugar handling as well. You’ll find that there’s a value in looking at mineral content.
This is a test that’s been done since the 1950s, so it’s very reliable. It also shows toxicity of metals, which can be very important. It’s not a typical thing that I find that people are highly toxic, but occasionally that is the case. That’s not work I particularly do but I have resources where I get support for them. So yes, I do the hair analysis.
Occasionally we’ll do saliva testing, which gives you your hormone balance – the actual hormone levels – and that can be very valuable depending on what your situation is. I also do the coaching assessment.
Patrick: That is really awesome. I’ve seen the kind of work that you put out there, and the presentations that you’ve been given have really impacted the listener. If they’ll take some action, they’ll change their life. Won’t they?
Elizabeth: Yes. They sure will. My vision for Ebenezer Wellness is to empower vitality in current and future generations. That’s really what we’re all about. We’re not just about selling supplements. We’re not just about diet changes. We’re not about one diet fits everyone, because that’s certainly not true. But what we are about is supporting people in living a life that’s fully alive and vital.
Patrick: Very good. I know that they need to connect with you at your website.
Elizabeth: Connect with my on my website, www.EbenezerWellness.com.
Patrick: Sign for your newsletter, read some of the old copies of newsletters that you’ve got out there, and really engage with you to get the information with implementation change your life.
As we’re wrapping up today, I want to say thank you so very much, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Thank you.
Patrick: Folks, I hope you go to her website right away, www.EbenezerWellness.com. I encourage you to learn how to change your life. This is the Business Spotlight. I’m Patrick Dougher. We’ll catch you next time. Thanks.
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