Award-winning Dallas dentist, Dr. Mary Swift, discussed the rewards of Invisalign braces for nearly everyone. She calls her practice, Smiles by Mary. Smiles can change a person’s life – they can openly smile, or hide behind a hand because of their smile. Which would you rather do?
Patrick wears Invisalign braces himself. You wear them 23 out of 24 hours a day. You only take them out the eat. The more you wear them the better they work. People who had braces at one time, and know how great their straight teeth look, are even coming back to have the Invisalign braces installed.
Dr. Swift told of a life-changing story for a man who used Invisalign because as he grew up he had spaces between his teeth. People look at you as immature or juvenile if you have gaps, so he had the Invisalign braces installed and his look changed his life.
Dr. Swift even goes on to say that wearing Invisalign braces can actually help you lose weight (this is often a side effect, but not what it was designed for).
Invisalign braces are especially necessary to help those who want veneers. The better your teeth are aligned, the better your teeth will look beautiful, even after veneers.
For more information on Smiles by Mary Invisalign braces, contact Dr. Swift at Dallas Laser Dentistry. The website is:, and the phone number to make an appointment is 2147-736-4728.