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How Business Owners Can Get a Massive Jump in Conversion – YouTube.
A freestanding business online can extend their conversions and bring in more clients by going online, says David Swift, Marketing Guru to Patrick Dougher of The Business Spotlight TV in the Dallas area.
One of the keys marketing experts look to help their clients increase their customer conversions rate is through digital marketing. They search ways to showcase their services, and how going online can lead to more people understanding what your services are.
Conversions is the backbone of business, and finding more ways to increase the rate of conversions is what all business’ look for, and how marketers make their money.
The way marketers go about it is to maximize their value, and highlight each individual segment of the business is by using video and digital marketing by dividing topics them into segments, like chapters in a book.
To learn more about the conversions rate of customers, visit and connect with Dave Swift.
The Business Spotlight TV show is one example of digital marketing, and how taking an interview to showcase your business and post it on YouTube, Vimeo and other social media extends the reach of the marketing budget, it also takes the message viral and allows potential clients to see the business as more than a wall and staff, but see the actual humanity and journey behind it.
To showcase your business on The Business Spotlight, get in touch with Patrick Dougher at or email